JAM(Job Application Manager) is a simple, convenient app to quickly and easily track and mange your job applications.Benefits:- Keeping track of your job applications helps you stay organized by seeing all your applications in one place- Track what jobs youve applied to and what stage of the process theyre in- Manage a list of recruiters and their contact information- You can easily contact the recruiter for each job application- You can easily access information about the positions youve applied for, including application applied date, company name, job title, salary, recruiter details, etc - Performance Evaluation: Tracking your job applications provides insights into your progress. You can review how many applications youve submitted, the response rate, the number of interviews youve secured, and any offers youve received. This data helps you analyze your job search strategy and make adjustments as needed- Avoiding Duplication: A tracking system prevents you from accidentally applying to the same position more than once, which can reflect poorly on your professionalism- Record of Accomplishments: Keeping track of your job applications serves as a record of your job search efforts. This can be particularly useful when updating your resume, creating a portfolio, or discussing your job search journey with mentors or career advisors- Boosting Confidence: Seeing your progress and efforts documented can provide a sense of accomplishment and motivation during a potentially challenging job search processSecurity:- No sign-in or account required- All entries are stored locally on your device- No personal data collected